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"Tokenise Europe 2025" (TE25)

Dr. Henrik Gradin, a blockchain and tokenisation expert from Centiglobe, is invited to European Commission's project.

The European Commission's initiative, Tokenise Europe 2025 has invited Dr. Gradin as one of 20 project experts, and he is the only representative from the Nordic region.

Dr. Henrik Gradin

- The TE25 project is an important project for Europe. Blockchain technology fits well into the European Union's (EU) role on creating collaborations between the European member states. I feel honored to be invited as an expert to TE25.

Dr. Gradin is the founder of Centiglobe, a Swedish based company that has developed a DLT based global payments platform, with the purpose to create a collaborative, efficient and sustainable global payments ecosystem.

- This invitation also means that we will have the possibility to drive our technology development exponentially forward to become a leader in the field, and this in turn will benefit the EU from a global perspective.

The objectives with “Tokenise Europe 2025” are....


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